
¿ETE, DIT or DIT plus?

The manufacturers are often facing the decision to choose the most appropriate procedure for the assessment of their innovative products; choose between the National Technical Approval (DIT) and the European Technical Assessment (ETA), or even a National Application Document (DITplus).


The ETA, as defined at CPR, does not assess the fitness for use of the product, which may be a disadvantage, whereas on the contrary, is an advantage, as the way to obtain the CE marking.

The DIT, as a quality mark, establishes the required reference values for the product, e.g.: compressive strength of a mortar, minimum wind resistance for a ventilated façade cladding kit, etc., providing to the technician, the necessary information for choosing the product. Therefore, a simple list of values provided by the manufacturer cannot be considered sufficient by the technician considering the work to be done.

The manufacturer must decide between the following options (advantages or disadvantages):

The decision will depend on the manufacturer’s interest in the national or European market where he will provide the list of performances to justify, in the national frame, the technical fitness for the intended use of his product. Similarly, it will be the building agents those who can claim what they consider the most complete information regarding his product.

The DIT plus, can therefore be the way to fulfil both requirements: to be competitive internationally (CE marking) and nationally (justifying compliance with our CTE).