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The IETcc has kept its commitment to innovation and to the improvement of its internal assessment procedures. One of the most remarkable event in the activity of the DIT along last years has been the consolidation of the process started in 2011, for the external certification of activities related to the National Technical Approval (DIT) and the DIT Laboratory. Precisely, the ES-1115/2011 certification, dated 11-11-11, obtained by the IETcc, for activities related to the DIT, certifies that the IETcc has a quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001, for the following activities:

  • The issuing of Technical Assessment Documents (DIT, ETA, DITplus) for construction materials, products, systems and procedures foreseen for building and public works.
  • The execution of tests by the DIT associated laboratory.
  • Coordination activities with other international organizations (UEAtc, EOTA, and WFTAO) for developing Guidelines, Procedures and Technical Reports.

“What is not defined, cannot be
measured, what is not measured,
cannot be improved, what is not improved
is always degraded.”

Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)


Nave de ensayo Laboratorio DIT-IETcc-CSIC.

With the implementation of the QMS, the IETcc, on one hand, accredits to manufacturers that the activities carried out by the Innovative Products´ Assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) are evaluated by an accredited external body and, on the other hand, justifies the fulfilment of the requirements (organization, competence, facilities, technical means and control of the activities) entails by the membership in the Organizations of UEAtc, EOTA and WFTAO.

“What distinguishes theoretical researches, or those who only analyses the results of the laboratory, from researchers who agree the theory with observation, analysis of the tests procedures, and the result of the tests, is that exclusively the last ones will achieve a solid scientific basis that will allow them to accurately estimate the performances (behaviour depending on the use) of innovative or non-standard products.”

Antonio Blázquez (Dr. Architect). Coordinator of the DIT and ETE