
Are DIT, ETA, DITplus and DITEX public Documents? How is confidentiality guaranteed?

Yes, the DIT, ETA, DITplus, and DITEX documents issued by the IETcc are public and can be downloaded freely from DIT website (as pdf files), or as a paper copies sent to groups of architects, building engineers, associations , etc., under request.

With the publication, the maximum dissemination and knowledge of the technical assessments carried out is given and, at the same time, users are allowed to check their content and validity, with the documents that are supplied to the site.

The contents of the DIT, ETE, DITplus, and DITEX evaluations have been co-drafted by the and the petitioners, and always complying with the specifications established for this purpose by the applicable Regulations. On the contrary, they are not disseminated, except at the request of the governmental authority, the Test Reports files, factory inspections Reports, etc., necessary to carry out the technical assessment.

The confidentiality of assessment is guaranteed through the status of a public centre of the IETcc and of the specific confidentiality contracts between the IETcc and its collaborators and members of the DIT, DITplus and DITEX expert commissions or of the commissions and working groups. of EOTA for the ETAs, according to the protocols established for this purpose. Furthermore, in the contracts between the IETcc and the petitioner, it is included the pertinent specific clause that details the conditions in this regard