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Since 1960, the Eduardo Torroja Construction Sciences Institute (IETcc) is the only Spanish Body for the technical assessment of the fitness for use of innovative construction products according to the National Technical Approval (DIT) procedure within the scope of the European Union for Technical Approval in construction (UEAtc).

In 1989, IETcc was notified as an Approval Body for the European Technical Approval (DITE, acronym in Spanish) in accordance with the Directive 89/106/ECC of Construction Products (CPR). IETcc became a co-founder member in 1991, of the European Organisation for Technical Approval (EOTA), later converted into the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA) under the Regulation 305/2011 of Construction Products (CPR) for the issuing of the European Technical Assessment (ETA). Since 2011, the IETcc has been recognized as a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) (OET, acronym in Spanish) for the issuing of ETA and as a Notified Body (NB) – N.º 1219 − for the tasks of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP). IETcc is also the TAB’s spokesbody in EOTA representing Spain.

Since 1996, the IETcc has been a co-founder member of the World Federation of Technical Assessment Organisations (WFTAO).

1949 - Construction of the IETcc

“Each material has a distinct specific personality, and each shape imposes
a different tension phenomenon.”  

Eduardo Torroja Miret     

IETcc Today


The Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) is one of the Technical Units of the Eduardo Torroja Construction Sciences Institute (IETcc) belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).


“The method of scientific investigation isn’t
than the expression of the necessary
of functioning of the human mind.”

Thomas Henry Huxley


The Innovative Products´ Assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) develops scientific-technical cooperation activities with the construction industry related to the assessment of fitness for use (DIT, DITplus and DITEX) and the assessment of performance (ETA) of construction products, as well as their certification processes. The main objective of the Unit is to facilitate innovation in the sector and to guarantee the quality and safety of products through actions aimed to:

  • Remove the restraints of architects, engineers and technicians in general, to the use of non-traditional or innovative products for construction sites.
  • Avoid technical barriers to the use of non-standardized construction products, and facilitate their incorporation into the national and international construction markets.
  • Disseminate and develop the use of the National Technical Approval (DIT,) National Application Document (DITplus), Experimental National Technical Approval (DITEX), as well as the European Technical Assessment (ETA) as means to improve quality and safety in construction works.
  • Respond to the formal requirements for construction works established by the Spanish Building Regulation (in Spanish: Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación – LOE) and the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).

Auditorium with external cladding kit granted with DIT
(Águilas, Murcia).

Wind Suction Equipment.
DIT Laboratory






Blázquez Morales, Antonio

Dr. Architect

Ext. 438307


Aulicino, Francesca



Briones Alcalá, Irene



Fernández García, Javier

Technical industrial engineer

Ext. 438331

Lahoz Ruiz, Eduardo

Dr. Architect

Ext. 438364

Mondejar Alarcón, Fernando


Ext. 438386

Tejero Palos, Iván

Civil engineer

Ext. 438435

Rivera Lozano, Julián

Dr. Chemical sciences

Ext. 438411

Rivilla Yubero, Patricia

Ext. 438412

Serrano Montoro, Francisco Javier

Chemical vocational training II.

Ext. 438426

Trainees and Grant holders.


The history of the DIT-IETcc and the UEAtc goes back to 1959, for the EOTA to 1989 and for the WFTAO to 1992. Their current situations are the result of the succession of numerous events that have occurred during all these years; technical but also historical events, as it could not be otherwise. Therefore, it can be a good exercise to recall simultaneously the history for both aspects – what was happening meanwhile in the world, albeit in a brief way – and the fundamental steps leading to the development of the DIT procedure. This will allow us to understand better what we have achieved, and where we are and, without a doubt, the best way to decide where we are going and what we want from the future…

If you are interested, you can get more information at this book:

History of the National Technical Approval (DIT), UEAtc, EOTA, WFTAO.

Since 1959 to the present day (…)

“My ultimate aim has always been to blend the functional,
structural and aesthetic aspects of a design into
an integrated whole, both in essence and appearance”.

Eduardo Torroja Miret

UEAtc Information Bulletin


Seminario 15: Evaluación de la  innovación

Seminar 15:  Innovation`s assessment


Construction reports magazine’s cover page N.532