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july 16, 2024

Visit to the IETcc by attendees of the National Meeting of Architecture Students 2024

The IETcc has collaborated in the National Meeting of Architecture Students, organised by the Council of Architecture Students’ Representatives. On 12 July 2024, Mr. Eduardo Lahoz, Dr. Architect of the Technical Evaluation of Innovative Products Unit, gave a lecture on the opportunities to get started in research activities, developed by Departments and Technical Units of the IETcc, followed by a visit to the IETcc guided by Ms. Virginia Gallego Guinea, Architect of the Quality in Construction Unit.


june 24, 2024

Celebration of the 27th Annual Meeting of the World Federation of Technical Assessment Organizations (WFTAO) at the IETcc

Between June 18th and 20th 2024 in Madrid, the 27th Meeting of the General Assembly of the WFTAO was hosted and organized by IETcc, and co-chaired by Mr. Thomas Bruun, WFTAO President and Mr. Antonio Blázquez, Head of the Technical Assessment Unit of IETcc.

The meeting was attended by representatives of WFTAO member organizations such as Agrément South Africa, ASA (South Africa), Belgian Union for Technical Approval in Construction, UBAtc (Belgium), British Board of Agrément, BBA (United Kingdom), Building Center of Japan, BCJ (Japan), Building Research Institute, ITB (Poland), Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, DIBt (Germany), Hungary Nonprofit Kftt, Emy (Hungary), ETA-Denmark (Denmark), National Building Research Institute, Technion (Israel) as well as IETcc.

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At this meeting, interesting discussions took place on the experiences developed by each member in the field of technical assessments of innovative construction products, from October 2023 until June 2024.
Indeed, specific common interest aspects were discussed among members. As examples, the possible collaboration with the EOTA, technical evaluation of construction products from reuse and recycling, digitalization in the construction sector, innovative construction systems modular, experiences on the evaluation of external propagation on facades, and the status of the accreditation of schemes for granting and surveillance tasks of national technical approvals. On the other hand, Sebastian Wall, president of the European Organization for Technical Assessments, EOTA, invited by IETcc, presented the EOTA activities.
The meeting included as a complementary activity, a guided technical visit, courtesy of Real Madrid C.F., to the works of the innovative expansion of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.

may 14, 2024

Participation at the Technical Conference on “News on the new Construction Products Regulation (CGATE, Madrid).

On May 9th , a Round Table on the Developments of new Construction Products Regulation took place at the Headquarters of the General Council of Technical Architecture of Spain (CGATE), attended by important representatives both national and international, from the sector regarding manufacture, standardization, technical assessment and control of construction products.

As an example, Mr. Jose Manuel Prieto Barrio (S.G. of Quality and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, officially opened the Conference). Mr. Juan López de Asiain, welcomed the attendees on behalf of the CGATE) and Mr. Jorge Jimeno, Head of Area at the S.G. of Quality and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, who made an interesting presentation on the New Construction Products Regulation.

A round table took place, moderated by Mr. Sergio Vázquez Jiménez (Secretary General of the EOTA), in which Mr. Antonio Blázquez Morales, Head of the Technical Evaluation Unit of Innovative Products and Systems, participated on behalf of the IETcc-CSIC. DIT.

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* from left to right Mr. Sergio Vázquez (EOTA), Mr. Jorge Jimeno (MINTUR), Ms. Raquel Martinez Egido (UNE), Mr. Miguel García Tejera (CEPCO), Mr. Francisco Javier Méndez (COAATM), Mr. Antonio Blázquez Morales (IETcc-CSIC) and finally Mr. Juan López de Asiaín (CGATE).

An interesting debate took place about consequences from changes that new CPR will bring, like the concept of harmonized zone, digitalization, assessment of sustainability aspects, or the new CE marking for reused products.

may 6,  2024

Participation of the IETCC Innovative Products Evaluation Unit in the Technical Conference on the New Construction Products Regulation.

On 9 May, the IETCC’s Innovative Products Evaluation Unit will be present, through its head Dr. Antonio Blázquez, at the technical conference on the new regulation of construction products, promoted by the CGATE (General Council of Technical Architecture of Spain).
The event will present the new aspects of the new regulation, and the participants will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the changes introduced in the regulation.
For more information and registration, please follow this link


March 27, 2024.

UPM-IETcc Collaboration

In the framework of the usual cooperation between the Technical Evaluation Unit of Innovative Products of the IETcc-CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Madrid. On 18 March, a visit to the DIT laboratory took place for students of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and the Master’s Degree in Architectural Construction and Technology (Mucta / ETSAM) and the Master’s Degree in Execution of Rehabilitation and Restoration Works (MEJORR), where they were able to learn about basic aspects of the technical evaluation of innovative construction products and construction systems as well as some of the main test equipment used for their identification, suitability for use and durability. /p>

November 25,  2023.

Participation of the Evaluation of Innovative Products Unit in the II ENAR Technical Seminar

On November 15, the 2nd ENAR Technical Conference entitled “Opportunity in the Industrialization of Façades”, organized by ENAR (Envolventes Arquitectónicas) was held in the auditorium of the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de CC.CC de la Construcción (Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences) in Madrid.

Speakers included, Mr.Julen Astudillo from Tecnalia, PhD. Antonio Blázquez from IETCC-CSIC Innovative Products Evaluation Unit, Mr. Xavier García from Inasus, Mr. Samuel Tortosa from Butech, Mr. Clemente González Soler from Albérico, Mr. Gleb Yakushev from Spans Building Tech, Ms. Sandra Llorente from Lignum Tech, Mr. Mateo Marcos from ENAR, Mr. Jacobo Peláez-Campomanes from ENAR and acting as a presenter of the event  PhD. Jesús Cerezo from ENAR. The Innovative Products Evaluation Unit, presented, through its Head, Dr. Antonio Blázquez, the documents that support innovation in the area of facades, in this case the industrialization of the process. Dr. Blázquez went on to describe each of the appropriate documents: DIT, DIT PLUS, DITEX and ETE.

After the presentations, a round table and a debate took place, with the participation of Javier Martín de Bustamante from Dragados, Mr. Eduardo Ortega from Ferrovial, Mr. Eduardo Romero from FCC, Mr. César Frías from Morph and Ms. Reyes Martín from Solumet, and was moderated by Mr. Miguel A. Núñez from ENAR. The Technical Conference aroused the interest of the attendees for its contents, filling the Institute’s auditorium to capacity. Afterwards, a Spanish wine was offered, where both participants and attendees had the opportunity of exchanging impressions on the topics dealt with, they were able to comment in greater detail on their projects and make networking for future collaborations.

Phd. Antonio Blázquez Morales in a moment of his intervention.

November 15,  2023.


The Unit for the Evaluation of Innovative Products of the IETCC-CSIC will participate through its Head, Dr. Antonio Blázquez in the round table on Wednesday November 15 at 17.45 hs. to be held at the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction CC.CC, in the framework of the technological event on the industrialization of facades whose theme for this edition is “Opportunity in the industrialization of facades”.

The aim of this conference is to emphasize the advantages and benefits of industrialization in facades in order to promote off-site construction, disseminate the work done and turn them into common ways of working nowadays.

The II Technical Workshop is organized by ENAR (Envolventes Arquitectónicas), and will count on the participation of professionals from the construction field who will share their experiences with the attendees, and will discuss the challenges posed by the industrialization of facades from different points of view.

For more information



November 14,  2023.

Conference on ‘Innovative building products: global markets and sustainability’.

On November 14, 2023, EOTA will organize its Forum virtually and for all stakeholders the videoconference entitled ‘Innovative building products: global markets and sustainability’. Our guest speakers will be policy makers, construction industry professionals, associations and regulators.

Panel discussions and keynote speeches will revolve around two key themes:

  • The first thematic session aims to delve into the topic of how to enable sustainability assessment of innovative building products. Participating speakers will be asked to share their knowledge and experience and discuss current developments on how to make the building products sector greener.
  • The second session of the Forum will address key questions and considerations on the global reach of ETA and how it could be improved. In addition, participating speakers will be asked to share success stories of EU tools in global markets.



December 19,  2022.

Application of energy dissipators with recentering technology in the Seismic Design of Structures: Contributions of PhD. David Galé, speaker of the Technical Unit of Innovative Products (DIT) of the IETcc-CSIC

We are proud to announce the publication by our colleague David Galé of a new scientific article in the prestigious Journal of Building Engineering specialized in structural issues. Dr. Galé and the rest of the authors, contribute from their experience in the field of research, new data to the Seismic Design of Structures using metallic Energy Dissipators and with recentering technology, and shares them with all of us through said article.

In his research, he has carried out an experimental study with a seismic table with the objective of characterizing the earthquake-resistant capacity of buildings with pillars with reticular slabs (very common in Spain) supplemented with energy dissipators based on the plasticization of metallic elements in combination with NiTi bars capable of recentering the dissipator once the earthquake has ended. In addition, it compares said capacity with the seismic resistance capacity of the same structural type without energy dissipators, showing quantitatively the improvement in seismic performance that the incorporation of energy dissipators contributes to this type of structure.

Do not miss this interesting work and take a look at the following link:


November 28,  2022.

The PhD. Antonio Blázquez president of the Jury of the 14th International Facade, Window and Solar Protection Awards, VETECO ASEFAVE

On November 17, the award ceremony of the fourteenth edition of the VETECO ASEFAVE Awards took place at IFEMA MADRID, in recognition of the best light facades, windows and solar protection, and the Head of the Innovative Products Evaluation Unit from the IETCC-CSIC, Dr. Antonio Blázquez, participated as President of the Jury for this edition. The person in charge of the Unit participated in the evaluation process of the different projects presented. In all cases, the design, aesthetics and adaptation to the environment were valued; as well as the justification of the technical quality of the solutions provided.

Also present at the award ceremony were Mr. Juan Arrizabalaga, Director General of IFEMA MADRID; Mrs. Arancha Priede, Director of Fair Business of said Institution; Ms. Lola González. Director of ePower&Building; D. Alejandro Gea, President of the VETECO Organizing Committee; and Mr. Miguel Robles, President of ASEFAVE and President of the Ibero-American Enclosure Forum.

For more information follow the link.




November 24,  2022.

Participation of the Innovative Products Evaluation Unit of the IETCC-CSIC in CONSTRUYES! in Madrid

The Innovative Products Evaluation Unit of the IETCC-CSIC will participate through its Manager, Dr. Antonio Blázquez, in the round table next Tuesday, November 29 at 3:00 p.m., within the framework of the technological event on construction and machinery YOU BUILD!, whose motto for this edition is “Digital and sustainable leadership, building for people and the environment”.

Under the title “Generate knowledge, develop technology, have an impact on the business”, the different participants of the round table will try to address issues related to innovation and development of new technologies and construction systems, as well as their impact on the business; both in the income statement, as well as in the positioning of companies, knowledge management and identification of best practices. The IETCC-CSIC Innovative Products Evaluation Unit will share its almost 60 years of experience accompanying companies in their Innovation processes, and will clarify key issues that may arise throughout the round table.

YOU BUILD! is an event organized by ANMOPYC (Spanish Association of Manufacturers-Exporters of Construction, Public Works and Mining Machinery), CNC (National Construction Confederation), ITAINNOVA (Technological Institute of Aragon), PTEC (Spanish Construction Technology Platform) and SEOPAN (Association of Construction Companies and Infrastructure Concessionaires).

If you want more information about CONSTRUYES! And its agenda, please click on the link.



November 21,  2022.

Presentation of the Technology, Data and Innovation Forum. Industry 4.0 Technological Building.

The starting of Construtec on Tuesday the 15th has been a success in terms of capacity and participation of the general public in the different forums set up by the organization for this edition.

The Innovative Products Evaluation Unit has been in charge of presenting the FORUM “Technology, Data and Innovation. Industry 4.0 Technological Building”.

Through a didactic presentation, Dr. Antonio Blázquez, Head of the Innovative products´ assessment Unit, emphasized the three major actors in the Innovation processes: Design in the hands of architects, engineers and professionals in permanent search for the best solutions constructive, Products where manufacturers and installers seek maximum efficiency in terms of costs and benefits and the intervention of public institutions such as regulatory bodies.

At the end of the presentation, all the questions from the attendees about the documents that support innovation (DIT/DITPLUS/DITEX/ETE) were answered.


November 11,  2022.

From November 15 to 18, 2022: IETcc-CSIC at CONSTRUTEC 2022

From November 15 to 18, 2022, the CONSTRUTEC 2022 Fair will take place at IFEMA (Madrid). A benchmark event in southern Europe for the Construction Materials, Techniques and Systems industry for the Building Industry. Construtec focuses on the entire life cycle of the building. Its mission is to be the sector instrument at the service of the European building industry, to add value to society, promoting comfortable, sustainable, safe and healthy living environments.

The Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (CSIC), is an organizing member of CONSTRUTEC and among the activities it develops is that of facilitating innovation in the construction sector through technical evaluations of innovative products: DIT, DIT plus, DITex and ETE/ETA. In this context, the IETcc-CSIC actively collaborates by organizing events of great interest to architects, engineers, prescribers, construction managers, technical control bodies, construction companies, promoters, as well as suppliers of construction products (manufacturers, etc.). In particular, we highlight the following:

Personalized public attention at our stand 8F21 (Hall 8), providing information on our Documents: DIT, ETE and DIT plus throughout the duration of the Fair.

Tuesday, November 15. From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in LAPLÃZA (between pavilions 5 and 6). Presentation of the Technology, Data and Innovation Forum, Industry 4.0 & Technological Building. From a participatory approach, the objective is focused on resolving all the doubts that both manufacturers and installers may have on these issues.

Wednesday November 16 from 11.00 to 13.00 Round Table: New materials and insurers (Insurance and OCT). The future of construction, especially after the pandemic, lies in building safer and more sustainable buildings and infrastructure. To do this, the use of new materials in construction is key, because in the face of scarce resources, reuse and the exploration of new materials is imposed. And it is here where the insurance companies and OCT need to analyze the risks in detail and seek the appropriate guarantees in the use of these materials or new constructive forms.

From the Unit we encourage all those professionals in the sector to participate in Construtec to keep up to date with news, innovations, new construction regulations and future challenges.

If you require any free entry please, you can request it through the following email dit@ietcc.csic .es


October 25,  2022.

Conference: The ETA Route in the New CPR Framework

On 23th November 2022 the EOTA Stakeholder Conference will take place in Brussels as well as online. It will bring together construction industry professionals, associations, regulators and policy makers from all over the European Economic Area to exchange their experiences on the ETA route. The first part of the conference will focus on the CPR framework with a high-level discussion panel on the CPR review including representatives from the European Commission and the Czech Council Presidency.

The second part will spotlight success stories with representatives from the construction industry and a discussion panel on the ETA route.

Discover the speakers and all other details in the preliminary event agenda.

In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

For registration, please click on the following link:

(download pdf attached)



October 21,  2022.

Visit of Ms. Eloisa del Pino, president of the CSIC, to the IETcc-CSIC.

On September 29, the President of the CSIC (Eloísa del Pino), the Vice President of Organization and Institutional Relations (Carlos Juan Closa), the Deputy Vice President of Knowledge Transfer (Ana Castro) and the Chief of Staff of the Presidency (Isabel Martínez), visited the facilities of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (IETcc-CSIC) accompanied by the director, the deputy directors and the manager of said institute.

Among the facilities, we highlight the visit to the laboratory of the Innovative Products Evaluation Unit, DIT, where the different technicians and speakers showed the delegation the different types of tests that are carried out and their relevance when granting key documents such as the DIT (Technical Suitability Document) or the ETE (European Technical Assessment).

For more information about the visit


October 18,  2022.

IETcc participation at the 25th Annual Meeting of the international organization World Federation of Technical Assessment Organizations (WFTAO)

After the end of the restrictions due to COVID-19, between October 4th and 5th, it took place hosted by ICC-ES, the 25th meeting of the WFTAO in San Diego (California, USA), which was attended by Mr. Eduardo Lahoz, PhD. Architect of the DIT Unit as IETcc representative. In it, interesting discussion and debates on the experiences developed by each member in the field of technical evaluation of innovative construction products. Among the experiences presented, successful cases stood out, such as the recent accreditation by ENAC of IETcc for the certification of a road marking products according to the EN ISO 17065.2012,  the more than 120 Documents issued by the IETcc from 2021 to mid-2022 ( considering DIT, ETE and DITplus on products and structural construction systems, envelopes, installations, civil works and other product areas) as well as the four National Experimental Technical Assessment Documents (DITEX) issued up to date by IETcc.

Likewise, other research activities related to construction innovation and its assessment were presented, such as international projects linked to sustainability, 3D printing and environmental product declarations. In conclusion, the Institutes participating in this 25th Meeting of the international organization WFTAO, among which IETcc is a co-founding member, agreed to continue sharing experiences and objectives for the global improvement of the assessment innovative construction products, in areas such as digitization, sustainability, 3D printing or modular construction.

October 17,  2022.

Participation of the Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT), in the Conference about quality control in the execution process (COAAT, Sevilla)

On October 13th 2022, a Round Table about quality control in the construction and civil works took place at the Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos de Sevilla. IETcc was represented by Mr. Antonio Blázquez Morales, Head of the Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT). Other important both national and international participants related to the quality control of construction products, who attended the Round Table were: Mr. Sergio Vázquez Jiménez (EOTA Secretary General), Ms. María José Sierra (responsible of Agencia de Obra Pública de Andalucía (AOPJA) and Ms. Marta de Haro Luque-Romero (representing Saint-Gobain Group).

* From left to right: Mr. Sergio Vázquez, Ms. Marta de Haro, Mr. José Carlos Ponce, Phd. Antonio Blázquez y Ms. María José Sierra


During the Round Table, chaired by Mr. José Carlos Claro Ponce, associate professor at the University of Seville, an interesting debate took place related to CE marking and Declaration of Performance contents and complementary voluntary marks such as DIT, ETE, DIT plus and DITEX Documents. Likewise, the status of the draft of the next Construction Products Regulation was also reported.


September 27,  2022.


The JAE Intro program calls for scholarships at CSIC centers aimed at university students interested in starting a research career.

This scholarship program provides an approach to a research career for those students who want to take their first steps in the world of research and, in turn, provide an introduction to cutting-edge knowledge of scientific topics and praxis. Since 2019, the IETcc-CSIC has continued to train Architecture students, chosen after the relevant selection process, in the field of research with very satisfactory results for both parties.

To download the conditions


 May 23,  2022.

November 15th  to 18 th, 2022: IETcc-CSIC at CONSTRUTEC 2022

The Innovative Products´ Assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT), on behalf of the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (IETcc), (CSIC), announces its participation in the upcoming “ePower & Building” fair as a member of the CONSTRUTEC 2022 organizing committee. The event, a reference in southern Europe for the entire Building industry, will take place from November 15 to 18, 2022 at IFEMA (Madrid).

More information:


 May 11,  2022.

IX International Convention on Technical Architecture- CONTART

The IETcc-CSIC participates, through the Unit for the Technical Evaluation of Innovative Products (DIT-ETE), in the IX International Convention on Technical Architecture- CONTART Toledo 2022, which will be held at the El Greco Conference Center in Toledo, on next days May 12 and 13, of 2022.

Under the motto, “Committed to rehabilitation“, the CGATE brings together two of its most deeply rooted principles: its vocation for social service and its firm belief in the rehabilitation of buildings as the best tool to decarbonize cities and fight against climate change.

This year, CONTART 2022 will address highly topical issues and great architectural and social significance through the different presentations and debate tables. Aspects such as the Green Deal, Circular Economy and Standardizations/Regulations will be present throughout the entire congress as they are part of the basis for fighting climate change and complying with the 2030 agenda.

The Innovative Products Unit of the IETcc-CSIC will participate through its manager, Dr. Antonio Blázquez, in the discussion table on Friday 13 at 11:30 where the challenges of the technical architect in traditional construction materials and innovative.

This table will be moderated by Mr. Sergio Vázquez, current Secretary General of EOTA (European Organization for Technical Assessment), the main European body for construction products.

Faced with increasingly demanding and demanding projects, the architects and engineers who participate must ensure compliance with the specifications of the construction systems. This compliance concerns both the technical specifications and the commissioning and maintenance of the system.

The high legislative requirements of traditional and innovative materials will be reflected in the different seals, reports and labels, and will be a guarantor of durability and environmental performance. This table will provide knowledge and experience through all its speakers in this area.

For more information about the event, consult the following links:


 May 4,  2022.

20th EOTA´s General Meeting

On April 28th, it took place the 20th EOTA General Assembly meeting, with the participation of Mr. Antonio Blázquez, Head of DIT Unit, representing IETcc. Among other decisions, it was endorsed the Annual Accounts presented by Mr. Eduardo Lahoz, IETcc Ph. D Architect, as EOTA treasurer, the inclusion o of three new EOTA members, and the participation of EOTA in the ongoing public consultation for the revision of the first draft of the new Construction Products Regulation.


 May 3,  2022.


From September 18, 2021 to June 2022, this master’s degree, already in its 7th edition, is taking place at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, belongint to the UPN, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The Innovative Products Evaluation Unit. DIT of the IETcc-CSIC, has been supporting and participating in this Master every year, giving talks focused on the difussion of the principles of innovation and the existing procedures for the evaluation of innovative products developed at the IETcc. On this occasion, it has had the participation of PhD. Architect, Mr. Eduardo Lahoz, who has given the presentation “Technical assessment of innovative construction products and systems: DIT, ETE, DITplus, and DITEX.

More information:


 April 21,  2022.

6th International Conference on Educational Innovation in Building (CINIE 2022)

The 6th International Conference on Educational Innovation in Building (CINIE 2022) has provided the ideal opportunity for researchers, professionals and students worldwide to present their projects and researches, and to promote the exchange of knowledge, experiences and new proposals in the scope of Educational Innovation in Building, Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

The Innovative Assessment Products Unit  (DIT) belonging to IETcc-CSIC has attended throughout the presentation of a poster in this 6rd edition of CINIE2022 which was celebrated on the 23 th,24 th and 25th of march, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación de Madride Madrid. The presented poster “INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF INNOVATIVE BUILDING PRODUCTS. JAE-INTRO GRANTS EXPERIENCES AT IETCC-CSIC (2019-2021)” introduces a study on the training experiences on a total of 6 students of Architecture or Engineering of the UPM, between 2019 and 2021, directed by three given by three doctors of the Unit with fully satisfactory results for all parts



 April 13,  2022.


The Innovative Products Evaluation Unit of the Eduardo Torroja Institute participated last April 6 in the 5th Andalusian Road Congress with an information stand where it highlighted the relevance of evaluation documents in the development of infrastructure projects. Apart from the interesting talks and contributions that took place in said congress, it also served as a meeting point for the main actors in the industry.

We would like to take advantage of these lines to show our gratitude to all the companies in the sector that visited our space and made us share their concerns regarding innovation, regulations and evaluation of their products.



*From left to right: PhD. Antonio Blázquez Morales Head of  the Evaluation of Innovative Products Unit  of the IETcc-CSIC. Eng. Iván Tejero Palos, expert in the area of ​​Road Markings of the U. of Evaluation of Innovative Products Unit  of the IETcc-CSIC

 April 11,  2022.


The Unit for the Evaluation of Innovative Products and Systems (DIT) of the IETcc-CSIC, participated on February 1 in the event organized by the AECCTI (Association of Independent Quality Control and Technical Control Companies), sharing its experience in the field of land improvement systems, through a presentation led by the expert Iván Tejero Palos.

Under the title CONTRIBUTION OF TECHNICAL APPROVAL DOCUMENTS (DIT) GRANTED TO LAND IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS, the expert showed the relevance of both the DIT and the ETA (European Technical Assessment) to these systems. He highlighted both their regulatory aspects and their main benefits for companies.

Click here to watch the video (Only in spanish)


 March 9,  2022.



IETcc-CSIC, in particular the Innovative Products Assessment Unit (DIT-ETA) participates in the V ANDALUSIAN ROAD CONGRESS, which will take place from 6th to 8th April 2022.

With the motto, “Towards the next generation of roads”, the Spanish Road Association (AEC) resumes the organization of this great road meeting.  In this fifth edition, key questions about the improvement of road safety and roads with a “green seal”, among others, will be discussed. The aim of this Congress is to create synergies between the different actors in the industry, and strategically boost road infrastructures from different perspectives.

The Innovative Products Assessment Unit IETcc-CSIC will have a stand where we will show the works of the IETcc as well as the products and construction systems related to roads and civil engineering that have achieved National Approvals (DIT) or European Technical Assessments (ETA).  We will share with our visitors our point on the contribution of these assessments to the quality, safety and sustainability of civil works infrastructures.

In addition to informing all those companies and manufacturers that wish to know about the processes for obtaining the DIT or the ETA, we will be available at our stand during the three Congress days to inform and resolve the doubts of the road managers and administration technicians about the scope of these assessments and the contribution in their different competencies.

About the Eduardo Torroja Construction Sciences Institute (IETcc-CSIC)

The IETcc is a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) and a Notified Body (NB) for the technical assessment of road marking products, as well as for Factory Production Control to assess the Constancy of performances of these products.  Undergoing these procedures, manufacturers are able to CE mark their products, which is required in the Spanish Roads Code and in some local or regional contracting processes. This certification is also required by the authorities of other EU countries, with the forecast that it will be also necessary for the application of road marking products in other member States in the coming years.

Concerning National Approvals, IETcc issues Technical Approval Documents (DIT), which are favorable technical assessments of the suitability for use in construction of non-traditional materials, systems or procedures intended for an specific use. These Documents involve a technical evaluation of suitability for use that since December 2019 the Spanish Roads Code requires, for example, for some components of SMA-type bituminous mixtures.

For more information about the event, consult the following link:



 February 25,  2022.



Intertraffic, the largest trade event for companies in the mobility sector, will take place in Amsterdam from March 29 to April 1.

More than 900 companies from 45 countries will present their products, their innovations, and relevant experiences in the industry. Thanks to their participation, and to the ambitious program designed for the occasion (More than 120 presentations), the participants will have access to a wide range of highly interesting and innovative subjects. There are the following:


Given the scope of the event and its relevance, the Innovative Products Unit of the IETcc-CSIC will be present to support the participating companies, also to learn about the different innovations and challenges by the industry. This exciting moment is defined by a highly changing socio-economic and legislative reality that it requires flexibility and the ability to anticipate from all the stakeholders in the industry.

We will attend the Exhibition and provide information to all those companies that wish to know about the processes for obtaining the ETA (European Technical Assessment), especially for manufacturers of road markings products, who may CE mark their products on the base of these technical assessments. This Certification is already required by the authorities of several EU countries (Spain and the Netherlands, among others) with the forecast that it will be also necessary for the application of road marking products in other member States in the coming years.

For those who wish to register for the event, they can do so through the following link


 January 1,  2022.


The Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) belonging to IETcc-CSIC together with Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and the Marine Technology Unit (UTM-CSIC) have participated throughout the presentation of a poster in the 3rd edition of BIMIC 2021 (Building and Management International Conference) in the E.T.S. de Edificación de Madrid. The presented poster “Learning from the BAE Juan Carlos I. Lessons for an Antarctic Architecture of XXIth Century”exhibits a study on the Spanish Antarctic Base Juan Carlos I, managed by the UTM.

The participation in this congress not only highlights the innovative Antarctic architecture, but also highlights the collaboration between units of CSIC for the preparation of the study.


 November 19,  2021.


Last November 2nd , the ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit of the Quality Management System of the DIT Unit took place, which includes the following activities:

  • The issuing of Technical Assessment Documents (DIT, DITplus) and of European Technical Assessment (ETA), the surveillance of the Technical Assessment Documents (DIT, DITplus), and the assessment and verification of constancy of performance in the field of ETA, for construction materials, products, systems and procedures foreseen for building and public works.
  • The execution of tests by the DIT associated laboratory.
  • Coordination activities with other international organizations (UEAtc, EOTA and WFTAO) for developing Guidelines, Procedures and Technical Reports.

After completing the evaluation process of the same, the Conformance has been satisfactory verified. Our quality  mark  is a guarantee for all manufacturers with whom we have the opportunity to work and support them in their innovation processes.

 November 17,  2021.


We are proud to announce the publication by our colleague David Gale, of a new scientific article in the prestigious journal Engineering Structures specialized in structural issues. Dr. Galé, from his experience in the field of research, brings new data to the Seismic Design of Structures based on Energy, and shares them with all of us through this article.

In his research, he has carried out a numerical study on the capacity of column structures with waffle slabs (very common in Spain) in terms of energy. The Seismic Design of Structures is currently based on Forces, although more and more progress is being made in the Energy-based Seismic Design Paradigm. 

This way of designing, based on energy, is highly promising because it allows a design capable of synthesizing the complex 3D loading effects in a scalar value, as well as achieving an optimal damage distribution along the structure. 

Don’t miss this interesting work and check it out at the following link:

 November 15,  2021.

ON NOVEMBER 10, IT TOOK PLACE THE 19TH MEETING OF THE EOTA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Among other decisions, it was agreed the renewal of Eduardo Lahoz, IETcc Ph. D Architect, as its treasurer, allowing the IETcc to be a member of the Executive Board of EOTA (European Organization for Technical Assessments)

 September 21,  2021.

Trends and News in Sustainable and Healthy Building: TheMISS “GETTING TO ZERO” organized by IFEMA Madrid (Spain).

Ifema Madrid launches a special event aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, in which the main actors in the construction and building sector show their commitment to sustainability and climate neutrality, through their innovative proposals.


March 18, 2021. 

Postgraduate collaborations with ETSAM-UPM in Course 2020-2021

The Innovative products´ assesment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT), at the request of the ETS of Arquitectura de Madrid-UPM, continues to collaborate in postgraduate teaching activities  with following conferences:


March 01, 2021.

Starting of activities of the JAE Intro ICUs – Introduction to Research scholarship at the Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT)

 We are happy to share the news of the incorporation of the three UPM studentes who have been granted with a respective JAE Intro ICUs Introduction to Research scholarships offered by the Eduardo Torroja Institute.


February 27, 2021.

Events: ePower & Building moves to November 2022 due to the current circumstances caused by the Covid-19 health pandemic

ePower & Building, the largest event in Southern Europe for Building Solutions, organized by IFEMA, as well as the various calls it brings together, will finally be held in November 2022, at the Madrid Fair.



November 18, 2020. IETcc at the V CONGRESS OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING (CIM2020)

The IETcc-CSIC participates, through the Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) in the V CONGRESS OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING (CIM2020): The Congress of Municipal Technicians on HOW TO MAKE A SUSTAINABLE CITY FROM MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT.



End of 2019-2020 Introduction to research JAE INTRO/ICUS-CSIC scholarships for students at DIT

Four university graduate students finished recently their Introduction to research JAE INTRO/ICUS-CSIC scholarships, at the Innovative products´ assessment Unit. National Technical Approval (DIT) Unit. Sonia González Iglesias, Laura Molero Ballesteros, Angel Armando Arquero, and Darlin Danilo Ruiz Mendez.



Octubre 29, 2020. Event: New EAD publIshed. (COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2020/1574 of 28 October 2020)

A list of new EADs is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Technical Assessment Bodies are to use methods and criteria provided in the following EADs for assessing the performance of construction products which are covered by those EADs.



October 30, 2020. CIM 2020 event.

Access to application available only in Spanish.



June 23, 2020: ePower & Building moves to May 2021 due to the current circumstances caused by the Covid-19 health pandemic

ePower & Building, the largest event in Southern Europe for Building Solutions, organized by IFEMA, as well as the various calls it brings together, will finally be held in May 2021, at the Madrid Fair.




04 de Junio de 2020. Ampliado el plazo hasta 10 de Junio de 2020 para solicitar becas JAE INTRO en el IETcc CSIC – REFERENCIA: JAEINT20_EX_0909

Se ha ampliado el  plazo  de solicitudes hasta el próximo 10 de Junio de 2020 correspondiente a la convocatoria de 250 Becas JAE INTRO en el CSIC para estudiantes de grado o Máster Universitario oficial….



21 de Mayo de 2020. Contra el Hambre de Vivienda en el tiempo del COVID-19.

El Instituto para la Cooperación en Habitabilidad Básica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ICHaB) colabora  y responde al llamado urgente difundido por el «GRUPO COVID19 Y PRECARIEDAD», dirigido por la experta en vivienda Joan Mac Donald desde Santiago de Chile,  mediante un trabajo colectivo, aportando fortalezas técnicas y docentes en la publicación «Contra el Hambre de Vivienda en el tiempo del COVID-19»



20 de Mayo de 2020. La Unidad Técnicas de Evaluación de Productos Innovadores de Construcción. Dit.


A petición de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid-UPM, ha seguido colaborando recientemente en la actividad docente de posgrado, impartiendo las siguientes clases de Máster…



10 al 13 de noviembre de 2020: IETcc-CSIC en CONSTRUTEC 2020

La Unidad de Evaluación Técnica de Productos Innovadores de Construcción, en representación del Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), anuncia su participación en la próxima celebración de la feria “ePower & Building”…

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