
Update of the New Structral Code (Real Decreto 490/2021) in Spain:  the highlights


The Boletín Oficial del Estado has published the  “Real Decreto 490/2021 of 29th of june”, which will enter into force on November 10, updating the current regulations regarding concrete structures and steel in accordance with technical and regulatory developments in the matter.

The new Code introdces interesting novelties. Some of them we highlight as it follows:

  • Derogation of some regulations:
    • Legal provisions that oppose the provisions of the RD
    • Legal Instruction of “Acero Estructural” (EAE) approved by RD 751/2011 of 27 of May.
    • Legal Instruction of Concrete structures (EHE-08), approved by RD 1247/2008 of 18 th of July.

2 ) Updating of the requirements to meet the needs of structural safety, safety in case of fire on both cases (concrete or steel structures).

3) Regulation of mixed stuctures  created with both materials:  concrete and steel.

4) Disappearance of the concept of suitability of products with CE marking, because such products are already presupposed the veracity of the data, performance and its quality.

5) Incorporation of key aspects of the European regulations included in the procedures of the Structural Eurocodes, with special relevance Article 3, which presents three alternatives for the author of the project

These alternatives can be summarized in three:

5.1- To create technical solutions according to the CODE

  • To create technical solutions according to the Structural Eurocodes.
  • To create a new technical solution not according to the CODE or the Structural Eurocodes, but detailed and justifiied in a document. It will be compulsory that this new soluction will meet the CODE requirements.

We observe by incorporating into the standard the adoption of alternative solutions, that the new CODE becomes more operational than the previous one.

6) Structures based on environmental protection and efficiency in the use of natural resources, including new materials, and systems for the protection, repair and reinforcement of concrete structures. All of these mesures will create a positive impact on the needs of people and cities, and will guarantee sustainability between economic growth, preservation of the environment and social well-being.

7) Emphasis on the reuse or recycling on both cases: All or part  of the structure at the end of its useful life.

To conclude with the legal entry into force of the new Structural Code, in general terms, the authors of the projects are given greater freedom, and the need for a more efficient construction that respects the natural environment is recognized.

For more information click the following links:

* Sources: CSAE- Colegio Superior de Arquitectos de España a través de su nota técnica del 16.08.2021

* BOE N.º 190  del 10/08/2021




18 de marzo de 2021.

Eventos, Jornadas

Colaboraciones docentes de posgrado con la ETSAM-UPM en Curso 2020-2021

La Unidad Técnica de Evaluación de Productos Innovadores de construcción. DIT, a petición de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid-UPM, sigue colaborando en la actividad docente de posgrado, e impartirá las siguientes conferencias:



08 de marzo de 2021.

Eventos, Jornadas

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